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Sail Indonesia held at Tomini Bay


Tomini Bay, which is the second largest bay in Indonesia, presented its beauty through Sail Tomini 2015. The bay which is located in Gorontalo Province has the area of six millions hectare and has an astonishing sea with the gradient of tosca to blue. Because of its beauty, the government has eventually decided to hold Sail Indonesia there. The main purpose is to build Indonesia as a developed and independent maritime country. One of the activities in that event is Festival Boalemo. Sail Indonesia has about 18 activities that were done before, and after or at the main event of Sail Indonesia. Citizens expect Tomini Bay to be promoted by those kinds of events held there and the fishery, marine and tourism can accelerate the regional development of the area. Teamwork is needed in order to establish those events and this teamwork is a reflection and the start of the movement of mental revolution which is being emphasized by the government in the present day.

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