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Tomini Bay, the superhero of economy for Central Sulawesi and Gorontali


Sail Tomini and Boalemo Festival were launched by nine ministers, two governors, and two district heads at the Epicentrum Hotel in Jakarta. This year theme is “The Pearl of Equator for future Life” which meant that Tomini Bay would become the precious treasure of Indonesia and was hoped to save the economics of places around the Bay. Jokowi, the President of Indonesia said that the government is convinced that the future of this country lies on its maritime and sea. Sail Tomini should not become a common annual event but as an event that gives big impact to the public which will raise awareness to reserve its beauty and promote it. Sail Tomini is also hoped to bring in more foreign people and increase the local’s prosperity. As one of the largest bays in Indonesia, it is hoped to be the main destination for maritime vacation nationally or internationally.

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